The Entrepreneurs Blueprint

Take control of your legacy, your narrative, and your finances by unlocking the tools you need to create impact and financial freedom at the same time through a lucrative side hustle.

A Roadmap to Building Your Impactful 6-Figure Personal Brand

I get it, y’all, I really do.

I remember feeling the exact same way... one taught me how to build wealth, how to start a business, or become an entrepreneur, and I was homeless at 19 with $35,000 in debt.

I taught myself and tapped into my greatest asset—my voice.

I know some of you might be thinking, “but I’ve already tried and it’s not working!”

I hear you. You’ve been hustling nonstop trying to grow your following, to build a real platform on social media, but something just isn’t clicking. It’s not from a lack of trying. You know you have the potential for greatness, so what gives?

You gotta study your craft, hone your skills, and find your Tribe.

...and creating a massive impact that thousands want to lean into. This is the key to creating a platform that puts you on the world’s stage, without compromising your mission or integrity.

 Once you have a clear path to turn your passion into profit and grow an established community, a world of possibilities will open up for you!

Imagine making 6-figures on the SIDE and even leaving your full-time job to pursue your purpose.

All of this is possible for you, and it’s exactly what I’m going to teach you how to do inside:

This is the key to leveraging your voice

The Entrepreneur's Blueprint:

A Roadmap to Building Your Impactful 6-Figure Personal Brand

Take control of your legacy, your narrative, and your finances by unlocking the tools you need to create impact and financial freedom at the same time.

The Entrepreneur’s Blueprint teaches you my signature framework: The 5 C’s

Character, Content, Community, Consistency, and Currency. 

The 5 C’s are the pillars that got me to not only a 6-figure brand but a 6-figure monthly income. They can be applied even if you’re just starting out and looking to learn an extra $1k, $5k, or $10k+ a month.

These are systems you can use over and over again as you continue to grow. But in order to be effective, you need to work them together.

The Introduction

Be introduced to the 5 C’s framework and how they will impact you 

Learn how to make the most out of this course 

Be introduced to the resources that you’ll get through this course

In Chapter 1

In Chapter 2


Learn the two types of change that impact you 

Understand the value of reading and research to your personal evolution and how it can result in positive change 

Know how to generate an impactful personal reading/research list 

Become familiar with my concept and value of Growth over Goals and how to reframe this in your own mindset 

Gain confidence in understanding your Character and how to guide its development


Understand how YOUR personal change can drive your content creation 

Learn what approach is best for your content and what platforms would be best to get started

 Feel confident in generating content from your passion

In Chapter 3

In Chapter 4


Better understand your existing community and know how to expand your community in sustainable ways

Know how and why to research the community you want to impact

Understand how you can change lives in your community and how that impact can generate income

Feel confident and empowered in your community


Understand how Consistency in Character, Change, Content, and Community is key

Learn why SEO is critical to content consistency

Get your own Consistency plan in place and gain confidence in managing this plan for consistent impact

Feel empowered in how to maintain in consistency for your brand

In Chapter 5

In Chapter 6


Understand how Character, Change, Content, Community, and Consistency, together, can generate income

Learn specifics about the different online assets you can tap into and generate a plan for implementing one or more of these assets

Have confidence in these income driving online assets

Feel empowered to implement the 5 C’s in your brand journey


Understand how to implement the 5 C’s to create a media kit, utilize SEO, generate video content, build an email list, and optimize your social media 

Learn step-by-step methods to build your platform in a sustainable way 

Reflect on your 5 C’s to begin or enhance your brand journey 

Feel empowered to take these steps with the confidence to generate and maintain impactful content for your community

In Chapter 7

Media Kit

Video Content

Email List

Social Media

No matter where you are in your brand journey, you CAN create and optimize your online presence to work toward an impactful, high-income-earning brand. All it takes is a little time, the know-how…and some help from someone who’s been there. The journey begins now, let’s take the first step.

Inside, you’ll find practical, technical how-to videos on building your:

This course is broken down to give you a comprehensive, accessible, and impactful system to work with.

Social Media

A peek inside the course:

In Chapter 8


We will recap what you’ve learned and you’ll know how to implement SEO, build an email list, build a brand kit, and know how to utilize your gifts to the fullest extent

You know I got more for you too, y’all!

On top of the powerful core course content, for a limited time I’m also including all these premium bonuses for FREE (worth over $3,000)!?

The total value of this transformational program alone is worth over $2,999. And if you were to pay full price, that investment would be worth it but…


Anthony O'Neal

I went from being 19, and $35,000 in debt, to a #1 National bestselling author, course creator, host, speaker, and educator. My debt-free life is full of purpose and possibility. I want the same for you and more! My mission is to give you the resources, tools, and information you need to get started. What I’m teaching you here is what got my company to a 6-figure a MONTH brand, but they can be applied today, even if you’re just starting out to help you make an additional 4 or 5-figure monthly income! I serve ambitious and purpose-minded people who are on a journey towards mental, spiritual, and financial freedom.

2022 © AO Enterprise All rights reserved.
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I want you to grow your community, gain confidence, and feel empowered to grow your character and grow your mind. You’re going to walk away with a plan to turn your passion into profit and grow your brand.

So many industry folks are out here preaching million-dollar initial investments, or 6-figures worth of equipment, or sleepless nights. The model I follow and teach is to work with what you have, stay consistent, and be committed to excellence.

This is how you start to utilize your gifts to your fullest potential and know that all things are possible for you, no matter what your current situation is.

My goal with this course is to help YOU make extra income and ultimately hit 6-figures.

Understand the full scope of the 5 C’s and how they work together to optimize your brand

Know how to IMPLEMENT the 5 C’s to earn additional income, build your community, and increase your personal growth

Have both practical and tactical skills for content creation and management

Be equipped with the necessary tools to build an impactful brand

By the end of this course, you will:

Walk away feeling empowered, encouraged, and equipped to start YOUR passion-driven hustle.

This is YOUR time, YOUR opportunity.

I want to see you win.

I believe in your ability to turn your story, your vision, and your God-given talents into a profitable, meaningful, and impactful business.

I want to see you leverage your personality and abilities into a money-making, impact-having, community-enriching brand.

That’s what we’re gonna do together inside!


What is The Entrepreneur’s Blueprint: A Roadmap to Building Your Impactful 6-Figure Brand about?

It’s a premium 7-part on-demand training program that will teach you everything you need to know to create an authentic, impactful brand that you can monetize and work towards your goal of financial freedom (even if you’re starting from scratch). By joining today, you’ll also unlock a transformational bonus bundle and exclusive access to our 4-week kick-start community (where you’ll receive my personal mentorship and connect with other like-minded, change-makers), all worth over $3000. Simply by leveraging the skills and talents you already possess!

Who is this course for? Do you need to already have an online presence?

Not at all! That’s the beauty of the course: it’s inclusive and operates with beginners in mind. No matter where you are on your journey, there’s something to be learned in Entrepreneur’s Blueprint: A Roadmap to Building Your Impactful 6-Figure Brand.

What kind of equipment or tools do I need to participate in this course?

At this stage, wifi, pen and paper, and a genuine desire to level up! I’ll also include, as an exclusive bonus, an “Insider Expert Equipment List” for a full video setup created by CJ, my long-time Videographer, producer, and editor. CJ has been with me since the very beginning, and those 400k+ folks you see on my

Besides the course, what else is there?

There is over $3000 worth of bonus material. Apart from what I mentioned above, you can also expect

Questions before joining?


One Time




For 2x Months



Enroll Now to Create Your Impactful, Intentional, and Profitable Brand!

The total value of the course is $2,999 and the bonuses are worth over $3,000, but you won’t be paying anywhere near $5k because I want to see YOU succeed!


The Entrepreneur's Blueprint ELITE $9,997 $6,800

Get everything in the course + 8 LIVE sessions with Anthony, ELITE private group, Facebook & Youtube ads training, podcast audit, AND a 1-Day in-person Mastermind.


$497 FREE!

$497 FREE!

$1,350 FREE!

$297 FREE!


LIVE virtual event! Ticket to The Entrepreneur's Blueprint Workshop, a premium 4-hour training with AO and Neatness Network Team

$999 FREE!

$1997 FREE!